Sunday, December 28, 2008

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

presidential approval ratings and the most awesome commercials ever

these two links have nothing to do w each other

1st- presidential approval ratings through the years, matched to the events that accompanied dips and peaks:

2nd- really great, extremely violent coffee commercials from the 50s, made by pre-muppet jim henson.

how do you feel?

this website may already know:

Thursday, December 18, 2008


baby animals in zoos:

kids faces while they watch videogames. there's one expression that only shows up when they play Call of Duty.

story of a war journalist who follows the conflict (kinda reminds me of Graham Greene):

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

cute animals as they fall asleep

perhaps the most brilliant display of cuteness on the internet. i like the sleepy bear.

michael palin for prez

my bro and i used to joke about mccain having picked the wrong palin (bc michael palin, frankly, is probably the best palin to have graced this planet), but it looks like someone else thought of it and found a funnier way to propose it.

just go to this link and watch the video:

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

mick jagger and david bowie, together in music and fashion hell

i don't know what to say. this video. omg

thanks to ebb for the link-

crazy awesome art

this artist paints things invisible; it's rad:

these artists grow trees into useful living furniture:

environmental graffiti is a good blog, eh?

blogging the elite

this is a good blog by a guy who works at a fancy hotel in the loop and sees funny things:

Monday, December 15, 2008

lots of links

i've been neglectful. many reasons for this. so here are a bunch of links:

4 % of the wall street bailout could end world hunger:

i can't believe this picture exists. i can't believe the look on this mouse's face:

dogs are amazing. they have amazing personalities:

dogs are also unbelievably adorable:

sea slugs are unbelievably beautiful little alien weirdos:

photography water sculpture things- v. pretty:

both funny and sad- logos about the financial crisis:

weird and mesmerizing uk video on how condoms are made:

an awesome place to find good, quirky art prints:

and, just another reason i love austin:

Monday, December 1, 2008

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

learn how to label african countries

it's an african jigsaw puzzle. very educational. link courtesy of ms. amy. see how well you can perform (i can only get up to the 'hard' level):

Friday, November 21, 2008


-Scientists think they could clone a woolly mammoth for $10 million. They could probably also clone Neanderthals too, but, evidently, that would bring up ethical issues:

-Also, other scientists used DNA testing to identify the remains of Copernicus.;_ylt=AvPF9IvXb0aP24.7bpRvX6.s0NUE
Can we clone him too?

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

live puppies!

live puppies 24/7!!!!

....including the kitchen sink

16 modern sink designs. very cool:

this site actually has a lot of other cool stuff like this. i recommend a perusal.


also very cool bike rack designs (follow the links to see more than just the winner):

Monday, November 17, 2008


I found this on my friend Diego's blog. It's friend Jared singing in a van w Red Hunter from Peter and the Wolf:

Really, it's pretty great, so you should watch it.

Friday, November 14, 2008

religion and happiness

this article is really good, but make sure you read it until the very end. otherwise, you'll miss the point:

Thursday, November 13, 2008

lolcats do william carlos williams

naomi sent this link to me, and i find it unbearably hilarious:

You can haz
plums in the
ice box.
But I
eated them.

it's from the contest here:
it's in the comments.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Monday, November 10, 2008

Sunday, November 9, 2008

this poem is just too amazing

I used to be of the opinion that Percy Byssche Shelley was a tool, but I can't help admiring this poem. It's his elegy to Keats:

Thursday, November 6, 2008

pro crastination

use your knowledge, learn new words, procrastinate, and donate rice to hungry ppl all at the same time!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

oh you kooky 17th century poets

John Wilmot, the 2nd Earl of Rochester, a famous 17th century poet and friend of King Charles II, wooed his wife by abducting her after she refused his advances. Then he had a bunch of affairs and at least one baby out of wedlock. Check it:,_Countess_of_Rochester,_2nd_Earl_of_Rochester

Friday, October 31, 2008

Thursday, October 30, 2008


I first heard about this a while ago from my brother, but I hadn't seen it until today. A scambaiter, pretending to fall for a West African scammer's ploy, counterattacked by promising scholarship money to ppl around the world who would act out scenes from iconic films and tv shows. The scammer(s) took the bait and reenacted the famous "Dead Parrot" Monty Python sketch. I'm including links to the original and the reenactment. Pretty amazing.

Monty Python's "Dead Parrot" sketch:

West African Scammers' "Dead Parrot" sketch:

This only helps if you trust smart people and believe in science:

Here's the letter from the Nobel Prize winners who endorse Obama:

a time waster for you

This totally sweet site lets you spell any word you want w photos of letters from Flickr.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Link #15: Good going Daily Show. In response to McCain's ridiculous accusation of Obama's "pro-abortion" stance, Sam Bee explains how much women looooove abortions... and "air quotes"

Link #16: This video illuminates just how dynamic our presidential candidates are. It's pretty amazing to see how little actual "debate" occurred this year. (Did you like my air quotes?) --via boingboing

Link #17: A nod to my old town, Austin, TX. 800 people assembled to do the Thriller zombie dance. Uh-mazing:

Link #18: And now a turn to the grotesque: Does the head remain conscious after it has been severed from the body? (Answer: probably.) Feel free to impose any metaphors you would like:

Darn it

I'm betraying the depths of my nerdiness. But I really, really want a couple skeins of this. Is that so wrong?

Bamboo yarn=brilliant

Monday, October 27, 2008

Calling Chicago Voters

I'm writing this from the voting center, having just voted. If you've only thought as far as the presidential race, these folks have some good suggestions about how to fill out the rest of your ballot.

Biden lays it down

Link #12: Just watch this:

Sunday, October 26, 2008


"A Week in the Death of Iraq" is an article by an Iraqi dentist who calls himself Dr. Mohammed. I also read his blog, but recommend reading the article first.

(Links 10 and 11)

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Guns 'N' Sodas

Evidently, the Drs. Pepper found it so unlikely that Guns 'N' Roses would release their (incidentally, terrible) new album by the end of 2008, that they promised a free Dr. Pepper to everyone in the U.S. if GNR could pull it off. For good or ill, GNR pulled it off, and now we all get free Dr. Peppers. Here's how to redeem yours (info courtesy of

1. On the Nov. 23, 2008 release date, go to

2. Register your information to receive a coupon for one free 20-oz. Dr Pepper.

3. When your coupon arrives, redeem it wherever Dr Pepper is sold.

4. Drink your Dr Pepper slowly to experience all 23 flavors. Dr's orders.

Coupons will be available for 24 hours, starting at 12:01 a.m. Eastern Time on Nov. 23, 2008. Allow 4-6 weeks for coupon to arrive. Coupons will expire on Feb. 28, 2009. Limit one coupon per person. Full terms and conditions available at

Friday, October 24, 2008

Math and Nature

Link #8: We've heard about fractals occurring in nature and Fibonacci and all that jazz, but never have the photos been so dazzling:

Historical NY Times Presidential Candidate Endorsements

Link #7: Here are all of the NY Times presidential endorsements since Honest Abe. Notice that they haven't endorsed a Republican since 1956. Also notice their hilariously luke-warm endorsement of John Kerry. I also thought it was interesting that they endorsed FDR for only 3 out of 4 of his elections. Here, you look:

This Morning's Theme: Power Corrupts

Link #4: horny popes dying in the throes

Link #5: horrible ways to get rich

Link #6: the website for the documentary entitled Torturing Democracy, which is about official U.S. policy re: torture.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Inaugural Post of My New Blog

This blog will contain no information about myself other than what can be gleaned from the quantity and variety of links I provide for your enjoyment. Over the past several months, I have already collected hundreds of amusing links. It seems tedious to import these, so I will simply begin from today.

Link #1: Soviet dancers who appear to defy laws of nature

Link #2: And, because you can't mention the Soviets without invoking memories of the Nazis...

Link #3: And, because violence and pain, when not mixed with humor, are just f-ing depressing: