Thursday, October 23, 2008

Inaugural Post of My New Blog

This blog will contain no information about myself other than what can be gleaned from the quantity and variety of links I provide for your enjoyment. Over the past several months, I have already collected hundreds of amusing links. It seems tedious to import these, so I will simply begin from today.

Link #1: Soviet dancers who appear to defy laws of nature

Link #2: And, because you can't mention the Soviets without invoking memories of the Nazis...

Link #3: And, because violence and pain, when not mixed with humor, are just f-ing depressing:


  1. i will follow you(r blog) to the ends of the internet.

  2. I couldn't watch 5 minutes of soviet dancing. Is there something wrong with me?

  3. poindexter: then you should fast-forward to the end when it gets crrrraaazzzzyyy. you should see what one of those soviets can do w an accordion!
