Friday, April 3, 2009

the way sam cooke died

i feel as though i have been referring frequently to this wikipedia article. the basic facts are that sam cooke, that smooth, politically conscious crooner, wearing nothing but a jacket and shoes, was shot in the abdomen in the office of a hotel. he was chasing a woman whom he allegedly attempted to rape. read:

1 comment:

  1. No, no, no. There was much more to the Sam Cooke saga than the "official version" of how he died. Read my book for the inside story:

    If you don't want the whole story, at least read the addendum to TruTV's website I felt compelled to contribute once I read the nature of the article:

    At any rate, it's time to dispel that fairy tale of how Sam died.

    Erik Greene
    Author, “Our Uncle Sam: The Sam Cooke Story From His Family's Perspective”
